Martin Records Record Sales at Brussels Label Show
Posted: October 16, 2007

(Left to right) Brian Sager of Martin, Geir Hagen Managing Director Skipnes Trykkeri AS, Roald Skipnes VD / Managing Director Skipnes, Joakim Marcusson of Convertec ab after signing offer for a new Martin Automatic MBNT butt splicer at Label Expo Europe.
(ROCKFORD, IL USA) - Martin Automatic reports that its exhibition at the recent Labelexpo Europe in Brussels was a resounding success. "This was a very strong show for us," said marketing manager Craig Thomson. "Our many visitors included press manufacturers, material manufacturers, package printers and label converters. We recorded several equipment orders at the show and expect our ongoing conversations to result in additional sales."
One of the orders consummated at the show is for a new MBNT butt splicer for Norway-based converter Skipnes Trykkeri AS. The new splicer will go on an existing press in their Strömstad, Sweden facility. Brian Sager, regional manager for Scandinavia, credited the involvement of Convertec, Martin's Scandinavian representative. "Joakim Marcusson was instrumental in working with Skipnes, reviewing specifications and helping determine the best splicer for their needs."
Many of the visitors to Martin's booth were interested in the live demonstrations of MBSF automatic butt splicer and LRD automatic transfer rewind. Visitors also came to the booth after having seen a Martin LRD rewind on Comco's new C2 press or after coming from demonstrations of Labelmen's CI letterpress with Martin STS splicer and STR turret.
"We exhibit at Brussels not only because of our strong presence in Europe but also because of the attendees from other regions—like Asia, Africa and the Middle East," said Thomson. "We also come to support our many relationships with the major press manufacturers who look to Martin splicers and rewinds to complement the performance of their presses."
With nearly 8,000 installations in over 50 countries, Martin Automatic is a global leader in high-performance splicers and rewinds. For more information contact Kelly Hart at Martin Automatic Inc.